Ringette BC purchases insurance that is required by the operators of Ice Arenas.

The insurance provides indemnification for the operators and Supplementary Benefits for members injured during sanctioned Ringette events that is excess to that provided by the Provincial Health program. In order to be covered by the Insurance program, participants must be registered with BC Ringette Association.


Use the link below to complete the fillable Injury & Accident report form.

*REMEMBER* to save your form on your own computer for your records. Then you may submit the form within Adobe Reader, or email directly to administration@bcringette.org

Please complete the form below to submit and open an insurance claim with Sport BC insurance. This form must be completed and filed with Sport BC in order for an insurance claim to be opened.

In addition to the Insurance Claim form please complete an Accident Report Form with Ringette BC.

All Accident Report forms are to be sent to administration@bcringette.org.