Ringette BC Coaching Support

The Technical Coordinator is here to support all coaches and to assist with any questions that arise regarding coaching credentials, evaluations and clinics.

For all coaching related questions please send an email to technicalcoordinator@bcringette.org.

Coach Selection Resources

Resources available to support coaches in preparing for coach selection processes.

Ringette BC Standard Coach Interview Questions – Standard coach interview questions for all coach selection processes

Zone Coach Candidate Information Sheet – Outlines the coach application process and useful resources to support in preparation for interviews

Zone Division Coach Application Package– All coaches interested in coaching in the Zone Competitive Division must complete this application form

Athlete Development Skills Matrix (ADM) – Outlines all technical and physical skills, along with the Psychological skills, while incorporating the life skills, social skills and ethical literacy skills that a participant develops.

General Resources

Coaching Certification Requirements:  Ringette BC requires all coaches to be certified with the Coaching Association of Canada.  Please review the Ringette BC Team Leadership Qualifications Policy for a detailed outline of all required courses and certifications in each division.

Links to Relevant NCCP Modules for Coaches

  1. Coach Initiation in Sport (must be done before taking a Ringette Specific Coaching Course)
  2. Making Headway in Sport
  3. Safe Sport
  4. Make Ethical Decisions E-Module & Online Evaluation
  5. 5. Respect in Sport for Activity Leaders – direct athlete contact

Coaching Websites:

Practice Planning Tools

These practice planning resources have been developed to assist coaches in their development of practice plans for any division/caliber.

 Technical Skills Matrix – Outlines all technical skills (skating, ring, goalkeeping, and psychological) and their stages and progressions of skill development.

 Practice Plan Template – A blank practice planning worksheet complete with rink diagrams.

 Practice Plan Content – Highlights what should be included in each part of the practice plan, and the order of events in the main-part.

 Ice Rink Diagram (4 per page)

Ice Rink Diagram (4 per page with lines)

Ice Rink Diagram (full page)

Sample Practice Plans

Please click on the Practice Plans for Coaches button below for a direct link to 12 practice plans developed for coaches to implement at practices.