How much ice is required for a Children’s Ringette game?
A 60 minute ice time is sufficient to set-up a play a game of Children’s ringette at the FUNdamentals 1 and FUNdamentals 2 level.
What is the difference between intra-club and inter-club play?
Intra-club play is game play between teams, or squads, from the same association. Intra-club play allows for less travel, and more opportunities to participant in play.
Inter-club play are games between teams, or squads, from different associations. Inter-club play may be scheduled league games, or individually organized mini jamoborees/exhibition games between neighbouring associations. When inter-club play is scheduled by leagues or associations, consider scheduling neighbouring associations to minimize travel where possible.
Why is there an overlap in age categories in FUNdamentals 1 and FUNdamentals 2?
There is an intentional age overlap between FUNdamentals 1 and FUNdamentals 2 in order to allow associations to place participants where they best fit. This will allow younger, more skill participants to join FUN2, and newer, older participants to have an introductory year in FUN1.
We have an older participant who is just joining ringette, what division should they be placed in?
Every participant in FUNdamentals 1 and FUNdamentals 2 should be assessed at the beginning of the season to determine where they best fit, and where they will have the most successful season. Depending on the age and experiences of the new participant, they may be placed in FUN1 or FUN2.
What does a FUNdamentals 1 or FUNdamentals 2 ice session look like?
Ice sessions for FUNdamentals 1 and FUNdamentals 2 can be done in a variety of ways. Teams can use ice sessions as just a practice ice, or just a game ice. Another way the ice sessions can be utilized is a combination.
In either division, teams can use half the time for practice and activities, and half for game play. A combination of all three types of activity can also be used for the entirety of the session.
For example – in FUNdamentals 1
Teams can set-up 3 stations, where participants rotate between a cross-ice ringette game, a fun, minor game activity such as tag, relays or cat and mouse, and a skill practice session. Groups could rotate through each station every 7-10 minutes, allowing everyone to do each station twice.
Can FUNdamentals 1 and FUNdamentals 2 share ice? What about FUNdamentals 2 and U10?
Absolutely! Teams in these divisions can share ice, and still utilize the new formats for game play during ice times. They can used shared ice only as practice, or can still add game play despite the difference in set-up.
For a FUN1 & FUN2 shared ice – the FUN1 group can play 1-2 cross ice games on their half of the ice. They can also do 1 cross-ice game and a fun activity or skill practice session on the other portion of their half.
For a FUN2 & U10 shared ice – the FUN2 group can play 1 mini ringette game on their half of the ice, while the U10 group can play game-like activities or continue with their practice session.
Can we use the small nets in U10 this season as well?
There are no changes being made to the U10 division during the 2018-2019 season. Using the small nets in U10 this season will be at each league’s discretion. Sanctioned events will continue to use regular sized nets this year.
Will there be goalies in FUNdamentals 1 and FUNdamentals 2?
In FUNdamentals 1, goalies are optional. If you choose to have a goalie, the only equipment they will need is a goalie stick.
In FUNdamentals 2, all teams should use goalies, with only a goalie stick.
What size nets are used in Children’s Ringette?
FUNdamentals 1 and FUNdamentals 2 will both use 52″ nets.
For more information on small nets and their implementation in ringette, check out Ringette Alberta’s website